I always wanted a good mnemonic for remembering the required reporting
points, but never heard of one. Then I got a program that does anagrams,
and that made it pretty easy to come up with one. See if you like it:
Required Reporting Points in Radar Contact: HUMANSS
[H]old (entering, leaving)
[U]nable (to climb or decend at 500 ft/min)
[M]issed Approach
[A]ltitude change (ifr or vfr on top)
[N]avigational Capability Lost
[S]peed change of 5% or 10 knots, whichever is greater
[S]afety of flight (anything)
Other reports, including non-radar: TUF
[T]ime estimate change of more than 3 minutes
[U]nforcast Weather
[F]inal Approach Fix
By the way, I know I didn't include the normal "required reporting points
when not in a radar environment". Those always seemed easy to remember, so
I didn't include them in the mnemonic. It was these others that would give
me trouble...